Monday, May 16, 2011

Journal #1

I drew this image as a symbol of what represents me. The cross in the middle gives a stable foundation, and is also like the Christian cross, as I am a follower of Jesus Christ. The wings are like eagle wings, strong, and high on the "shoulders." Inside the wings are the feathers which also look somewhat like tiger strips--another symbol of strength. Curling across the middle is a thorny twine. It curls around the center, and inside the center is a heart. My heart is guarded by all of these strong things, fences and walls. But coming from the red heart in the center are very light colors of pink, purple, and blue. There is softness inside of all the hard, protective edges.

I chose this image to represent how other people perceive me. (I found this image online.) I think others see me as an angelic little girl--innocent and pure. This girl is happy and upbeat, enjoying all life has to offer. Which, I don't doubt that they do, because this does describe me to an extent. (I like the connection these two pictures have with the wings--the wings I drew in the first image are supposed to be more like eagle wings, while these are obviously angelic wings.)
But, I surprise people when I show how tough and resilient I am. Or how my mind can travel so far down the depressing, sad, road. I don't play it safe, I go for it. I always protect myself, and in those rare times when I can't, I either love that someone else does or hate that I couldn't do it myself. I have a hard time asking for help; I want to do it all, perfectly, on my own. Yet I know that I need help, I especially need the support of my family and friends, even though I hide away alone in my room at times.

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