Monday, May 30, 2011

Journal #8

1)      The first image is of my friend looking down and smiling to herself. It is a sincere smile and the sun is hitting her hair just right. Also, the sepia coloring gives it a “looking through rose-colored glasses” effect.
2)      The second image to the right is of a little girl in a hat, holding an umbrella on the riverside. (This is actually my friend’s little sister.) She is posing for the picture and doesn’t know yet how to produce a natural-looking smile, but it is clear she is having fun nonetheless.
3)      The third image is of a girl (again, my friend) running; she has a huge smile on her face. The fact that it is out in the woods and the way she is dressed makes it clear she is not out on a jog—she is on an adventure.
4)      The fourth image is a photo my sister took of our Christmas tree this last year. Christmas is always such a happy time and brings back good memories. Besides that, all the lights and decorations put me in a wonderfully joyous mood.
5)      The fifth image is my little cousin, again a cute little girl, this picture is of her caught in the moment smiling and laughing. She is such a giggly, up-beat little child. 

1)      The first image is of a man taking a golf club to a car: ROAD RAGE! It is clear his is upset with not only his actions but his facial expression. He is determined to destroy something and inflict emotional and perhaps physical pain on another person.
2)      The second image is a Static-X album cover. I picked this image because all of their faces are angry, and the way the cut and pasted them together makes an even more disturbing image.
3)      The third image shows a teenage girl dressed as a “rebel” with a hand on her hip, leaning against a wall. She is not happy with her situation and will try anything to change it. The mom in the photo is also unhappy.
4)      The fourth image is of Eminem giving “a look” to the camera. His face is tense and his eyes slit, the hood of his sweater is up giving the message we have come to recognize as “punk.” The fact that this image is in black-and-white also gives an air seriousness.
5)      The last image is a photo (my sister took) of a fire. Fire burns with intense heat, destroys and consumes, and is generally red: the color most Americans identify with anger.

1)      This little boy is sitting in the fetal position with a long shadow behind him. He is sitting in some kind of art-depicted tunnel: he doesn’t know where he is. There are only slits of light reaching in to where he is, and the end of the tunnel is pitch black.
2)      This second image is of a man (Eminem’s “I’m not scared” video) who is laying stomach-down in the middle of the street. Glass pieces are strewn about and he has a look of shock on his face. He is frightened and shook-up from the accident that had just happened and yet in the back of his mind knows he is not out of the water yet.
3)      This third image is of Rihanna after her boyfriend at the time, Chris Brown, beat her. She is obviously sad but I think she is even more scared. Scared it will happen again, scared it won’t stop. She is still feeling the intense “scared” feeling she felt as she was being abused.
4)      This is of a girl sitting in a corner in the fetal position. She is chewing on her nails with her head and eyes down. Corners are often safe-feeling places to go when you are afraid.
5)      This is a more up-beat kind of scared, Lucille O’ball is making a scared face. She is probably surprised, but this can be a form of the scared emotion. 

1)      This lone dog, sitting in a street with the snow and rain beating on its back, head turned down, is a terribly saddening photo. The text “I Waited for You” gives that last punch in the gut that sends the viewer overboard with emotion. Dogs seem to always be happy and oblivious to any problems, so when they are sad it is extra saddening.
2)      This next image is of a person sitting against a wall in the fetal position. He doesn’t seem scared, just sad and alone. The black-and-white coloring adds to the effect.
3)      This is a teary-eyed woman with a bruise. Tears usually equal sadness.
4)      This next girl is not only teary-eyed, but has an orange jumpsuit on. This is her mug-shot for jail, where she is headed.
5)      The last black-and-white photo is of a long girl sitting barefoot, with her head down. She is holding a bunch of balloons, which indicates she was probably expecting to have a great time but was sadly let down. 

1)      The first image is of a boy sitting in a car, probably on a long road-trip. He has his face leaning on his hand and his eyes are almost closed, his mouth drooping downward. He is certainly not feeling inspired or creative at this moment, and probably not much is running through his mind.
2)      The next two cartoon drawings go together, they are both bored. Their eyes are slit and looking downward, and they are either sitting down.
3)      This photo of a man sitting on a couch, face resting on his hand, watching television, very much depicts “uninspired.” He has maybe one or two of his own thoughts in his mind, the rest are generated by media.
4)      This next image is of a teenage boy (family friend) sitting in a mall watching his sister’s shopping bags. I’m sure all he is thinking is “when can we go?” Stuck in that mindset, he is un-open to any other thoughts he might have had. Poor guy, he looks like he’s enjoying himself…
5)      The last image is the cartoon on Family Guy known as Chris. The cartoonist did a good job here, Chris’s eyes are half-open, his mouth is turned down, and he is slouched.

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